Christina S.'s review of Animal Friends of the Valleys

Animal Friends of the Valleys

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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/23/2009
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Review 12/23/2009
This company needs to be shut down and "Willa" needs to not ever be involved with interaction of animals again.
I had a dog that ran away from home 9 days ago. I made website adds and looked in every animal shelter in the nearbye riverside county. my family and i posted missing dog signs all around the neighborhood.
Our dog ran away on a sunday afternoon. My daughter showed all her friends a picture of our dog in school. On tuesday a little girl walked up to my daughter and explained that she had the dog at her house and mother called animal control to pick up the animal. I contacted animal control and they stated that every dog from murrieta city goes to this shelter. "Animal friends"...
I contacted the company immediatly and got directions to there facility. I drove immediatly after that to go get my dog. I got to the facility and looked over and over again for my dog. Speaking to more than a couple volunteers and employees, i was directed by a man in the puppy unit to "willa" whom is in charge of the facility. "willa" stated that there is no record of a call placed for her. Then after talking to her a little longer she began to nicely seem as if she was continuing to help. She then proceeds to tell me "oh, there was a call placed, but the call was cancelled."
Devestated, i contacted the women whom called animal control and she gave me the details of the vehicle, person and date and time my dog was picked up.
I then tried to contact "willa" again..... (Twice).
After two more days of searching for my dog and returning to the same facility as well as others and consistently looking through lost dogs on the internet, i called the facility one last time in chance of talking to willa to give her more details to see if she could figure out what was happening. (this is saturday) Ispoke to someone again whom spoke with me and stating again they would have her call me before the day was over. (no call back )
On monday morning i receive a call from "willa". i gave her all information and she stated "she would check into it and call within 10 minutes".
Within 20 minutes i get the call from "willa" telling me that the call was made and my dog was picked up on the sunday night she ran away. She stated that come monday morning my dogs cage she was in was open and empty. (I dont Think so), she continued to tell me that the facilty called p.d. to make sure that someone didnt steel her or that she didnt fight to get out of the cage. I (knowing i was now being lied to X3 by this company/"willa")i told her there is no way a calm, loving , lab would get out of the cage. She then states that the facility has traps in the hills for her, still looking for her and that we could go to the hills and yell her name to see if she comes to us.. (WTH?)
i imeediatly got of the phone with her and contacted r.s.o. (riverside sherrifs) and dispatch looked through the records on the day of and the day before and after that "willa" states she called the police. The records show NO call being made from the address of the shelter. (HHHMMMM!)
I know in the deepest depths of my heart that my dog is no longer alive due to this company. I feel that it is a strong possibility that this company (after reading reviews on b.b.b. and listening to the CRAP LIES) has laid my dog down.
I have found more info~there is legal laws against this.... No found animal can be put down before 4 days.
I am further investigating this situation as well as going to higher resources to put my mind as well as my heart at ease. We have lost our family member (we have had our dog for over 7 years) who was like another child to me. I would never want anyone to go through this.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ~ Help me in getting info on this facility as well as letting every neighbor, friend, family, class mate~~~ANYONE about this story and horrible things in this facility that is stated to being going on in the above b.b.b. comments...

You would protect your children! Protect your animals too!
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