Amber W.'s review of Kirby Company of Hemet

Kirby Company of Hemet

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/16/2011
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Review 2/16/2011
January 25, 2011 I bought the new Sentra kirby vacuum from this company after their sales representative came to our house and demonstrated the product. They used small disks to show the sucking power and the other components along with each of their uses. In the end i decided to get the vacuum. One of the main things i liked about the demonstration was the fact that the vacuum did not return dust to the air (i have allergies) so the representative wrote up the contract and I signed it(I fully take responsibility for not reading it and understand that some of this is also my fault) the next day (January 26 2011) I used the vacuum and sure enough it was putting dust back into the air the only thing I could think of was the difference between the disks they demonstrated with and the bag. I picked up the contract and started reading I had 3 days to send in the cancellation page. which would not have been a problem sense I had 2 days left to do it but the address was unreadable! And they did not put a phone number (this is where I claim responsibility I should have checked that it was readable and had a phone number befpre signing it) but yet I still jumped on the computer and googled what I could read of the address (which was not much just the building number its self and after about 3 hours of having no luck I called KIRBY who gave me the number and the address to the place. After, I mailed in the cancellation and tried to call continually over the next 48 hours, no one ever picked up. The representative used my land line to call her "boss" so I had my phone records pulled and called him, but come to find out he was not even really her boss! finally on the 4th day I called at 8 in the morning and got a hold of someone. They told me that their was not anything they could do until the receive the cancellation. Now it is 21 days later they say that they have not received the cancellation and there is nothing that they can or will do. oh and the building number that they put on the contract was wrong too, I found that out the first time I called Kirby!
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Hours   Phone   (999) 999-9999 Address   500 North State Street
Hemet, CA 92543
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