Julia K.'s review of Kronos Hair Care

Kronos Hair Care

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/15/2010
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Review 8/15/2010
This hair/beauty product company is a total scam. I have experienced much the same situation as many other reviewers. I signed up for a trial sized shipment of hair products but received full sized bottles. I sent them back but they say that they never received them. I was then charged $98.50 for the shipment I sent back and they have charged my credit card with another shipment for $103.00. I have contacted by credit card company and they are investigating the charges. I sent an email to Glow.com asking for a credit but did not receive a reply until my husband called them. This resulted in their giving us a gift card for the first charge(which we don't want) and saying that they will only give us credit for the second charge after we send the package back. We are out of town for the summer and will not receive the package until after the date that they expect the return in order to get a credit. They insist that there was a line in the Internet order stating that we would continue to get products every 30-60 days if they did not receive the "trial order". There is a federal law against companies that automatically create credit accounts in order to send products whenever they wish and charge the amount to your credit account. The law is called a Negative Rule Option and is against companies that don't make the rule obvious to readers in their advertising. I have contacted the Better Business Bureau, the FTC, and the VP of this company. The Glow Company is only one of many other companies that Mike Shay is the VP of. Some of the other companies are: IQ Derma, Beauty Fix, Raw Beauty and Redpoint Beauty. Don't do business with any of these companies unless you want to be involved in a long controversy to get your money back like I am. I am hopeful that if enough people contact the BBB and their credit card company that these scams can be stopped.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (866) 548-2906 Address   1590-D Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 255
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Website   http://www.kronoshair.com Email   mike@ibinc.com
Contact   Mike Shay Other  
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