Mike S.'s review of Timeshare Relief Now

Timeshare Relief Now

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/25/2011
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Review 11/25/2011
Fear and Desperation - My experience with Timeshare relief is one that I have regretted. I attended a Timeshare Relief presentation in Jan 2010 and for 30 minutes the host showed information of how my timeshare company was going to raise my maintenance fees and that they were my enemy. That I was trapped with no way out of the financial burden of my timeshare. This reminds me of a sales tactic that I experienced as a young home owner. A alarm company came to my home and gave a presentation on how crime in my area was on the rise and that if I don't protect my home with a alarm system I could be victim. They showed several news clips and visuals of crime victims. Their goal was for me to be afraid and fear for myself and my families future of being a victim to violent crime The alarm company used this sales tactic to cause me to fear and buy their product. I cancelled my transaction with the alarm company the next day. Timeshare relief's presentation caused me to fear the worst about my timeshare and how my timeshare company was out to get me. Well looking back I can see that timeshare relief is using the same scare tactics to buy up your timeshare for a small amount of money and sell it or rent it to businesses for profit. The other tactic they use is they tell you that they will not be in this area again so if you want to escape your timeshare that you are trapped in you must do it today. Fear and desperation is what I felt. I spent over $12,000 on my timeshare and allowed myself to be frightened in to paying Timeshare Relief over $4,000 to buy my timeshare. My recommendation when you find yourself in a presentation where the information is causing you to fear your future and feel desperate to do something now is to leave the presentation. If you don't you will make a bad financial decision based on the fear and desperation not the actual facts. I miss my timeshare and the $54 payment. My timeshare was 1 mile from Disneyland and I used it several times a year.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Monday - Friday, 8 am to 6 pm Phone   (800) 399-7958 Address   2239 West 190th, Suite 100
Torrance, CA 90504
Website   http://www.timesharereliefnow.com Email   robert.podlesni@astonmarketinggroup.com
Contact   Robert Podlesni Other  
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